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Spanked and Diapered is the only site dedicated to the cross over between spanking and ABDL, featuring both spanking and diapers in most updates. Join us as we explore themes of ageplay, humiliation, diaper discipline, diaper sex, wet panties and more, all with the inclusion of spanking and traditional corporal punishment!

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Diapered Dorothy: Doctor's Orders

Diapered Dorothy: Doctor's Orders

VideoPhotosAlex Reynolds Dorothy BurnettF/F Embarrassment Blonde School Uniform Spanking OTK White Panties Cotton Panties Slipper
Members Rating 7.6
Dorothy Burnett is sick and being treated by a doctor. She's on a medication that gives her some embarrassing side effects, though: she has to pee all the time, and sometimes she can't hold it. Her doctor suggested that Dorothy should wear diapers until the end of her treatment, but Dorothy is too embarrassed to be seen at school wearing a diaper under her school uniform dress so she's decided to skip school. She's lounging on the couch sans diaper when her mother, Alex Reynolds, stops home on her lunch break.

Alex is not impressed that Dorothy cut school instead of talking to her about it ...
Dorothy Burnett is sick and being treated by a doctor. She's on a medication that gives her some embarrassing side effects, though: she has to pee all the time, and sometimes she can't hold it. Her doctor suggested that Dorothy should wear diapers until the end of her treatment, but Dorothy is too embarrassed to be seen at school wearing a diaper under her school uniform dress so she's decided to skip school. She's lounging on the couch sans diaper when her mother, Alex Reynolds, stops home on her lunch break.

Alex is not impressed that Dorothy cut school instead of talking to her about it and she tells her naughty daughter that she is going to be punished, then put into her diaper and brought to school. She puts her over her knee and spanks Dorothy over her white panties while she kicks her feet in her lacy ankle socks. Then it's time for a bare bottom spanking from Mom and some hard smacks with a stinging leather slipper. This makes Dorothy a very sorry girl but doesn't make Alex stop scolding her for her disobedient behavior.

Alex is serious about making sure that Dorothy wears her diaper to school and she lies her little girl down, powders her princess parts and tapes her into a small Dry 24/7. Dorothy's petite frame looks so cute with a padded bottom, but she doesn't think so. Still, she has no choice: her mother is bringing her to school in diapers, like it or not!

Dorothy Burnett is such an adorable, naughty little girl and she has a perfect, spankable bottom. She looks absolutely adorable in diapers! Alex plays a strict, no-nonsense mom in this video, with lots of excellent scolding towards her misbehaving daughter.

Naughty Ella Gets A Spanking

Naughty Ella Gets A Spanking

VideoPhotosElla Raine Lilly CallowayF/F Blonde Brunette Cotton Panties Wet Clothing Pacifier Panty Wetting Spanking OTK Socks Wedgie Nude
Members Rating 8.1
Lilly Calloway is babysitting Ella Raine. Lilly is a wicked girl who starts humiliating and regressing her young charge. After babytalking to Ella about how little she looks in her outfit, Ella refuses to admit that she's "just little baby". Lilly tells her that makes her a naughty little baby, and pulls her over her knee for a spanking, which she delivers with vigor and delight. A spanking is the least of Ella's concerns, though. After her bottom has started to turn red, Lilly bares it, and mocks her about how babies do not wear panties. Further punishment comes to her sore cheeks, but when ...
Lilly Calloway is babysitting Ella Raine. Lilly is a wicked girl who starts humiliating and regressing her young charge. After babytalking to Ella about how little she looks in her outfit, Ella refuses to admit that she's "just little baby". Lilly tells her that makes her a naughty little baby, and pulls her over her knee for a spanking, which she delivers with vigor and delight. A spanking is the least of Ella's concerns, though. After her bottom has started to turn red, Lilly bares it, and mocks her about how babies do not wear panties. Further punishment comes to her sore cheeks, but when that's over, things only get worse.
Lilly strips Ella naked, exposes her, opens her legs, and shows off her private areas. Ella is so embarrassed. It's almost a relief when Lilly tapes her into a vintage Fabine diaper. Almost.

Naked in nothing but her diaper, Ella must entertain Lilly like a plaything, now that she has been rendered to nothing but a baby. And that means that Lilly breaks out some baby toys, including a teething toy that she shoves aggressively into Ella's little mouth, gagging her and making her drool all over herself. This only furthers Ella's regression and Lilly's delight.

Girlscout Thief Punished

Girlscout Thief Punished

VideoPhotosAdriana Evans Dorothy BurnettOther Uniform Blonde Brunette F/F Spanking OTK Powder Scolding
Members Rating 7.8
Adriana Evans is a Girl Scout leader who is out of patience for the naughty behavior that some of the girls in her troop are displaying. Dorothy, for example, seems more interested in aesthetics than anything else, and is willing to lie and steal to achieve the goal of "looking perfect" as a scout. Adriana won't tolerate this: Dorothy is being a naughty little baby, so she's going to treat her like one. First, Dorothy gets spanked across her authentic Girl Scout culottes. Then, both her shorts and her panties are pulled down so that she is given a bare bottom spanking. But that's not all that ...
Adriana Evans is a Girl Scout leader who is out of patience for the naughty behavior that some of the girls in her troop are displaying. Dorothy, for example, seems more interested in aesthetics than anything else, and is willing to lie and steal to achieve the goal of "looking perfect" as a scout. Adriana won't tolerate this: Dorothy is being a naughty little baby, so she's going to treat her like one. First, Dorothy gets spanked across her authentic Girl Scout culottes. Then, both her shorts and her panties are pulled down so that she is given a bare bottom spanking. But that's not all that she's in store for: she's going to be diapered, and she's going to have to wear her diaper back to the meeting, as well as while they go sell cookies this weekend. But Dorothy doesn't have a choice: if she doesn't take her punishment, Adriana is going to demote her to Daisy Scout with the youngest girls. To make matters worse, once she's been taped into a vintage fabine diaper, Adriana picks up the humiliates little girl and carries her out into the room where the other girls are waiting, announcing that Dorothy has something to show her friends. How will she ever live this down?

Play Nicely Girls!

Play Nicely Girls!

VideoPhotosAlex Reynolds Cherry Blossom Ella RaineBlonde F/F Brunette Redhead Spanking OTK Cotton Panties Upskirt Hairbrush Pacifier
Members Rating 8.0
This punishment regression film stars Cherry Blossom and Ella Raine: two of the cutest diaper girls imaginable.

Babysitter Alex Reynolds has had enough of the girls fighting over their stuffed toys. When it leads to hair pulling, she knows she has to put a stop to it. Out comes the hairbrush, and after a stern scolding, she puts the girls over her knee one at a time for a hard spanking. The girls are then made to suck on pacifiers while Alex brings out the ultimate weapon in punishing naughty little girls: diapers.

Alex takes her time diapering each girl, opening their legs and exposing ...
This punishment regression film stars Cherry Blossom and Ella Raine: two of the cutest diaper girls imaginable.

Babysitter Alex Reynolds has had enough of the girls fighting over their stuffed toys. When it leads to hair pulling, she knows she has to put a stop to it. Out comes the hairbrush, and after a stern scolding, she puts the girls over her knee one at a time for a hard spanking. The girls are then made to suck on pacifiers while Alex brings out the ultimate weapon in punishing naughty little girls: diapers.

Alex takes her time diapering each girl, opening their legs and exposing their princess parts before wiping them clean, just in case, and powdering them, then taping them into matching diapers.

Once diapered and babied, the girls revert to being very little indeed, and enjoying playing with some baby blocks. Alex is going to have to just keep these two in diapers, it seems!

Diapered Dorothy: Breaking The Rules

Diapered Dorothy: Breaking The Rules

VideoPhotosAdriana Evans Dorothy BurnettF/F Blonde Brunette Nightwear Powder Spanking OTK
Members Rating 7.7
Adorable little Dorothy is lounging on the bed reading a book about puppies to herself, sounding out the words and sounding very small indeed as she does. Her mommy, Adriana Evans, comes to check on her little girl to discover that Dorothy is in a wet diaper...a soaking wet diaper. She wet herself and did not come tell mommy that she needed a change, which is strictly against the rules. mommy doesn't want her little one sitting in a wet diaper.

Adriana scolds Dorothy, and then puts her legs up and spanks her in diaper position...over her wet diaper. Dorothy feels so embarrassed and covers her ...
Adorable little Dorothy is lounging on the bed reading a book about puppies to herself, sounding out the words and sounding very small indeed as she does. Her mommy, Adriana Evans, comes to check on her little girl to discover that Dorothy is in a wet diaper...a soaking wet diaper. She wet herself and did not come tell mommy that she needed a change, which is strictly against the rules. mommy doesn't want her little one sitting in a wet diaper.

Adriana scolds Dorothy, and then puts her legs up and spanks her in diaper position...over her wet diaper. Dorothy feels so embarrassed and covers her face, but her punishment isn't over. mommy takes her diaper off and puts her across her lap to give her a bare bottom, old fashioned over the knee spanking. Dorothy cries and sniffles as her round little bottom turns bright pink.

After the spanking, mommy lovingly cleans Dorothy up and gets her into a fresh diaper. Dorothy looks so cute in her puffy, padded diaper, and mommy snuggles up on the bed with her so that Dorothy can practice reading to her.

Nobody plays a strict but loving mommy like Adriana Evans, and Dorothy is one of the cutest possible little girls, so this pairing is not one to miss!

Put Your Toys Away

Put Your Toys Away

VideoPhotosKitty Catherine Paul KennedyM/F Brunette Pigtails Pretty Dress Spanking
Members Rating 6.9
Kitty gets a spanking on her padded bottom after having been told several times to put her toys away.

A Very Wet Diaper Change

A Very Wet Diaper Change

VideoPhotosAlex ReynoldsSolo Blonde Voyeur Self-Diaper
Members Rating 7.5

Apricot's Diaper Lie

Apricot's Diaper Lie

VideoPhotosApricot Pitts Ulf SayerM/F Blonde Spanking OTK Nightwear
Members Rating 6.81 Comment
Little Apricot is playing with toys on the floor while her daddy, Ulf Sayer, is trying to do some work. Apricot really wants Daddy's attention, and doesn't want to wait for him to finish, so she makes a few adorable attempts and distraction before deciding to tell him that her diaper is wet and she needs a change.
Daddy won't leave his little girl in a wet diaper, so he gets up to get what he needs to change her while Apricot giggles to herself.
Unfortunately, Apricot is easily caught when Daddy discovers she isn't wet at all! Fibbing and not being patient earn little Apricot a spanking on her ...
Little Apricot is playing with toys on the floor while her daddy, Ulf Sayer, is trying to do some work. Apricot really wants Daddy's attention, and doesn't want to wait for him to finish, so she makes a few adorable attempts and distraction before deciding to tell him that her diaper is wet and she needs a change.
Daddy won't leave his little girl in a wet diaper, so he gets up to get what he needs to change her while Apricot giggles to herself.
Unfortunately, Apricot is easily caught when Daddy discovers she isn't wet at all! Fibbing and not being patient earn little Apricot a spanking on her bare bottom before she gets taped into a clean diaper.

This is one of the cutest videos we've ever made! Apricot's little space is authentic and adorable and Ulf is the perfect strict but caring daddy. A must see!

Alex Home From School

Alex Home From School

VideoPhotosAlex ReynoldsSolo Blonde School Uniform Powder Self-Diaper
Members Rating 9.6
Diapergirl Alex Reynolds is home from school in an adorable school uniform...and a soaking wet diaper.

She tells you about her day, including wetting herself hours ago during a science test.

It's time for a change, so Alex lies down and undoes her soaked Abena M4. She decides to change into a Tykables Overnight diaper- she loves to wear cute babyish diapers, but feels embarrassed to at school!
She takes her time to baby wipe herself clean, showing off all her princess parts as she does, before powdering up and finishing changing into the clean, puffy diaper.

She then shows off how cute she looks as she talks more about school, how her dip feels, and what her favorite diapers are.

Diaper And A Spanking For Fussy Little Ashley

Diaper And A Spanking For Fussy Little Ashley

VideoPhotosAlex Reynolds Ashley BelleF/F Blonde Pacifier Cotton Panties Spanking OTK Scolding Pigtails Powder Nightwear
Members Rating 6.1
Ashley's Belle's mommy, Alex Reynolds, has had quite enough of her little girl's behavior at the family reunion. Ashley shoved her younger cousin, so mommy took her upstairs to have a little talk. Little Ashley is in a fussy mood: she whines and protests at everything that her mommy says. mommy has had enough of her attitude and tells her little girl that she needs a nap if she's this cranky, but first she's going to get a spanking for being so naughty today.

Alex puts Ashley over her lap and lifts her adorable jean jumper. Ashley gets a spanking over her cute cartoon character panties and ...
Ashley's Belle's mommy, Alex Reynolds, has had quite enough of her little girl's behavior at the family reunion. Ashley shoved her younger cousin, so mommy took her upstairs to have a little talk. Little Ashley is in a fussy mood: she whines and protests at everything that her mommy says. mommy has had enough of her attitude and tells her little girl that she needs a nap if she's this cranky, but first she's going to get a spanking for being so naughty today.

Alex puts Ashley over her lap and lifts her adorable jean jumper. Ashley gets a spanking over her cute cartoon character panties and then on her bare bottom. Ashley insists that she's too old for this treatment, but her mommy has other ideas. When Ashley whines and protests too much, Alex puts a pacifier in her mouth to quiet the little girl. Then, she takes Ashley's panties away, telling her she only gets to wear these when she acts like a big girl.

Instead, she diapers her little girl in a Tykables diaper. Ashley is so embarrassed: she really wants to be a big girl. But her mommy reminds her that in order to be treated like a big girl, she needs to act like one.

mommy is strict but loving and as she reminds Ashley to be a good girl and to remember that she's not too old to be treated this way. Ashley is then undressed and put into just a t-shirt and her thick, padded diaper to take her nap. As she cuddles her teddy and sucks on her pacifier, she certainly doesn't look like a big girl!

Although Ashley loves wearing diapers off camera, this was her first time doing a video like this and her shy, embarrassed reaction to being babied is totally genuine. With her cute blonde pigtails and cherubic face, Ashley is a little girl we're sure you'll want to see more of!
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This site contains text information, images and videos of sexually explicit nature, including adult role play engaging in SM/BDSM practices, ABDL and roleplay. Do not proceed, if you are under 18 years old, or if such material offends you, or if such material is illegal in your country or community.

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